Friday, September 7, 2012


Well, it's week three in Florida and we are finally settling into somewhat of a routine.  Marko and Gabriella started school a couple of weeks ago while I worked hard to get Noah signed up for Florida's Online Virtual Academy.  After hours of paperwork, more paperwork, testing, and Learning Coach training, Noah and I decided that home school was not in either of our best interests! Mom about had a panic attack when she realized how much computer time was needed for both student and Learning Coach.  Those of you who know me well know that  computers and I have a bit of a strained relationship.  If it paints a better picture for you, my husband has nicknames me "The Computer Terrorist."

It's not that I am not capable of learning, it's more of a refusal to learn.  Picture me on the set of "Little House on The Prairie" if you will (minus the long dresses, and bonnets that is).  I often feel like I should have been born in a different time period.  Most of you probably think that sounds crazy as you love 21st Century Technology!  I, on the other hand, would rather hand write a letter, take notes in longhand, and sit around visiting face to face with family and friends.  I know there are SOME of you out there who can relate to me!  My biggest pet peeves in life are computers and automated tellers!  To be entirely honest with you, the two can have me so worked up that the words coming out of my mouth  are far from appropriate, lady like, or Christian!

It has been relatively easy to avoid the computer world over these past thirteen years of being a stay at home mom.  I have realized that I do need to join the 21st century (kicking and screaming none the less) and learn a thing or two about computers.  My constant frustration with the things has become somewhat of an issue (just ask Marko)!  After my rather large meltdown this week over Noah's school stuff, and the tears of frustration that followed, I have decided it is time for me to be proactive with regards to my computer challenges.  I am determined to take some computer classes for dummies or something in the very near future!

Moving on...

Noah is currently in the process of enrolling in Highlands Christian Academy with big brother, Marko.  Gabriella attends McNab Elementary just down the street.  We live too close to school for bus service so Gabriella and I enjoy some one on one time walking to and from school every day.

Gabriella is playing soccer at St. Coleman's Catholic Church in our neighborhood.  I love being able to walk to school and soccer.  We live in a wonderful neighborhood that feels like it is miles from civilization but is actually close to everything.

All three kids are starting swim lessons tomorrow at an incredible pool down the street.  A must in Florida!  They also enjoyed their first lesson in Spear Fishing with Leo, one of the High School students from Zion Church.

As for Marko and I;  Marko has been working full time for i2 Ministries and I will be working part time as a writer for the ministry.  We have weekly team meetings at the i2 office (see photo below).  There is so much to do and learn with regards to the ministry and where it is going.  We are joining forces with IHOP International where they will offer the i2 Curriculum in the upcoming months.  Many exciting things are happening and it is inspiring to see what Josh and Jussara have done, and are doing, to train up the Global Church to effectively evangelize Muslims.

I need to run some errands so will say goodbye for now- leaving you with some photos and videos of the past two weeks in Florida.  We survived Tropical Storm Isaac and hope you enjoy watching my amateur footage (apparently turning the camera sideways while filming does NOT have the same results as when you are taking still pictures-reminder "Amateur Filmmaker"!!! L.O.L.!

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