Sunday, July 3, 2011

Brazilian Pho Pas

It is normal to commit social "Pho Pas" when spending time in different cultures. Today I am going to share a couple of ours with you!

Brazils biggest "futebol" rival is Argentina. Two years ago our friends, Josh and Maisel, thought it would be hilarious to buy Marko an Argentina Futebol shirt. Now the funny thing is that Maisel is Brazilian. I am not sure Maisel realized that Marko would actually "WEAR" the shirt in public. This is not big deal in the U.S. of course but is a major deal in Brazil!

After Marko wore his Argentinian Shirt to class the other day and then into town for lunch, some of the Brazilian students went out and bought him a Brazilian Futebol shirt! Apparently they were afraid he was going to get beat up walking around town!!!

I had to take pictures in each jersey of course! I have also included some random pictures of our Brazilian friends. The darling little girl with Marko is our friend, Eliane's daughter, Sara. We just love this little girl and Gabriella keeps begging me to bring her home with us. I seriously would if I could-she's so cute you just want to squeeze her!!

We are heading out in about an hour to have lunch at Tamaris's house with her family. I learned something new and very important last night. When referring to the slums in Santa Luzia, they are called "Morro's". This is important because favelas have a negative connotation and are associated with drugs. The Morro's of Santa Luzia house many evangelical Christians and are mostly "clean" in regards to drugs. I am so thankful to my friend, Claudia, for educating me in the difference between slums. I had never heard this before, and would hate to insult our friends by committing a "Pho Pas" which I am sure I have already done!!

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