Thursday, August 27, 2009


Sunday we walked a couple of miles on the train tracks to join our friend, Leo, on an outreach to a local flavela (poor village). Our visit was short but impacting. It was so good for our family to see how other people live. It has been several years since our trip to the Dominican Republic and Marko was the only one old enough to remember that experience.

The people in the village were very kind and were enjoying their day visiting with each other. We were there with a medical team, a dance team, and various other people with hearts to reach out to the poor.

Unfortunately, Noah ended up getting really sick before we could join in on the day's outreach. Marko had to carry Noah on his back all the way home and the poor guy threw up halfway there. We thought he was dehydrated, but he ended up sick for several days with a fever, throwing up, diarrhea, headache, and the chills. He is now on antibiotics and is doing much better.

I wish I had more to share with you but for now all I have are a few pictures. We will have many more opportunities to visit the flavela's in the future. Until then, here is a glimpse of a community of people struggling to make ends meet.


  1. hope all is well my fun to catch up on your life :)

  2. Sheesh...poor Noah! How scary! Did any one else get sick?

  3. I enjoy hearing your stories. It sounds like you are having an amazing experience - learning about another culture and meeting many interesting and warm people. I am very happy for you. I miss you all so much. Please don't say you are staying down there! Give the kids a big hug and kiss for me...
