Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Call began in October 07

This is our testimony. A testimony to the call God has placed upon our lives to move to Brazil in service to Him. This is the journey of God’s vision for us, as well as testimony to his provision in our lives.

· October 2007 – The strong presence of the Lord at Josh and Jussara’s Florida wedding leaves us desiring more from the Lord and each other.
· Josh Lingel, founder of i2 Ministries, a training resource equipping Christians to affective reach Muslims, invites Marko to consider joining his ministry which has a base in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
· Our good friend, Walter, speaks with Marko about moving to Brazil and becoming involved with his commodities business.
· Lifestyle Homes and Construction, struggles to survive the economy. A meeting with a career counselor points Marko toward doing business in Brazil.

Suddenly, Brazil was a word we could not ignore. God was speaking and we were listening.

· February 2008, while on prayer retreat at Lake Chelan vacation home, the Lord speaks to Marko, “Sell the condo”. Marko shares revelation with Shelley and she affirms this is the right decision. Within three days we receive an unsolicited offer in the mail from a buyer on the condo.
· May 2008 we no longer receive a paycheck from Lifestyle, but our needs were met from condo sale proceeds.
· September 2008 condo money runs out, but we received back pay from Lifestyle Homes and an unexpected IRS tax refund.

God’s provision is evident and abundant!

Brazil beckons us for months. At every turn … the news, movies, conversations … Brazil is a common thread. Although somewhat humorous, we recognize this is not coincidental and our faith is both shaken and strengthened.
· Marko is prophesied over by a local Brazilian woman on a trip to Brazil. She is the Lords mouthpiece, “Come to Brazil. You will know where you are to live and work when you arrive.”
· We resign leadership role in church body where we served eight years.
· The Lord calls us to simplify; shut down businesses, sell real estate as well as unnecessary autos and equipment, pay off debt, order our home and personal affairs, raise personal and financial support, etc.
· August 2008. After a short church sabbatical, we begin fellowship at Stanwood Foursquare Church. This body embraces our family and God’s leading in our life.

The vision – Our first six weeks
While the call to Brazil has been clear, the details of what we will be doing there are still unclear. The first four weeks will be spent at a school in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, where we will be equipped to minister in the following areas: sharing the gospel with Muslims Post 9-11, Church planting in a Muslim context, and Christian/Muslim theological issues. Following our month of training we will travel to Iguaca Falls, Brazil, where we will have an opportunity to witness to Muslims. We will also be building relationships with local churches while teaching them how to effectively minister to the high population of Muslims in the area. We will seek and trust in Gods direction from this point forward!

“I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me”
Acts 26:17-18
Is this not how God has called disciples for generations? Jesus once said, “… sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” Mark 10:21

Where will we live? What will we do in Brazil? We step through this door of faith and expectantly embrace this new mission. Without doubt, we press onward. Without hesitation we say, “Yes, Lord.”

“do not be anxious about your life … consider the lilies, how they grow … if God clothes the grass … how much more will he clothe you? … seek first His kingdom … For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Luke 12:22-34

“I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Why Muslims?
With an estimated 1.5 billion Muslims in the world today, there is a need for the global church to be educated on how to effectively reach the Muslim world; the largest unreached people group of today. We believe that we are to play a role in equipping the church to minister to this exploding religion. We are surrendering our will in order to be obedient to God’s call in this next season of our lives. We are taking small steps of faith daily as we move in the direction He has laid out for us.
For the latest updates on where we are and what the coming days and weeks are holding for us please visit our blog at You can choose to support our family and i2 ministries financially by going to the “support” tab at the top of this page.

Our prayer—that God would speak to each of you personally as you seek Him, that lives would be changed and personal relationships with God would be formed and deepened as a result of this testimony. God be glorified!

Thank you for taking the time to hear what is happening in our lives—The Jukanovich’s


  1. Marko and Shelley,
    What an exciting time for you both (and the kids). I look forward to following your trip and praying for you.
    Debbie Wold

  2. Dear Juks,
    We are so excited for you! We know you will all be blessed beyond what you can even imagine!
    Can't wait to keep track of your trip!!!
    Anne and Fam

  3. You're never far from our thoughts. Enjoy the experience. Love, Mom & Jim

  4. Juks,

    Thinking of you. Praying for His will to be clear and the road to be plowed ahead of you.

    love DC and clark family

  5. I found you :) hope all is well...write if you get a minute :)
